飲食店の求人転職 クックビズ 飲食・フード産業に特化した求人・転職アプリ

by クックビズ株式会社



Cookbiz is a recruiting and job change app specializing in the food service industry. Looking for a job at Cookbiz, which has a wealth of job information for full-time employees, part-time workers, and part-time workers at restaurants.

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クックビズは飲食・フード産業に特化した求人・転職アプリです。飲食店の正社員、バイト・アルバイト、パートの求人情報が豊富なクックビズでアナタにピッタリの仕事を探しませんか?1.見たい求人がすぐに見つかるアプリでの求人検索はとても簡単。希望の雇用形態(正社員、バイト・アルバイト)や、フリーワード入力で探したい求人をすぐに検索できます。また会員登録し、履歴書を登録すれば、これまでの経験や希望を元に最適な求人が表示されます。2.採用担当者からスカウトが届く会員登録すると、採用担当者からスカウトが届くことも。街場の個人店やレストラン、外食企業など多彩な採用担当者と出会うチャンスがあります。3.応募後のやり取りも楽々企業の採用担当者との連絡のやりとりもアプリ内で可能です。メッセージが届いたらすぐに返信できるので、コミュニケーションもスムーズ。採用担当者からメッセージが届くと、PUSH通知ですぐに気づくことができます。■毎週、新しい求人を掲載毎週、火・金曜日に更新されます。■多彩な求人からお仕事探し就職・転職のお仕事探しの他にも、学生さんのバイト探し、主婦の方のパート探しなど、10,000件以上(ハローワーク求人含む)の求人情報から探すことができます。■転職支援サービスについて民間のハローワーク(厚生労働大臣認可 紹介27-ユ-300801)として、求人情報のご紹介、キャリア相談などを通じて、転職成功まで全て無料でサポートいたします。※バージョン1.2.0未満のクックビズアプリはサポートを終了しました。ご利用のユーザー様は最新版のバージョンにアップデートをお願いします。運営会社クックビズ株式会社 Cookbiz Co.,Ltd.Cookbiz is a recruiting and job change app specializing in the food service industry. Would you like to find the perfect job for you at Cookbiz, which has a wealth of job information for full-time employees, part-time workers, and part-time workers at restaurants?1. Quickly find the job you want to seeSearching for jobs in the app is very easy. You can quickly search for the desired employment type (regular employee, part-time job) or the job you want to find by entering free words. Also, if you register as a member and register your resume, the most suitable job offer will be displayed based on your experience and wishes.2. A scout arrives from the recruiterIf you register as a member, you may receive a scout from the hiring manager. You will have the opportunity to meet a variety of recruiters, including private shops, restaurants, and restaurants in the city.3. Easy communication after applicationYou can also communicate with the hiring manager of the company within the app. Communication is smooth because you can reply as soon as a message arrives. When you receive a message from a recruiter, you can immediately notice it with a PUSH notification.■ Post new jobs every weekUpdated weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.■ Looking for a job from a variety of jobsIn addition to finding a job for finding a job or changing jobs, you can search from more than 10,000 job listings (including Hello Work jobs), such as finding a part-time job for students and finding part-time jobs for housewives.■ About job change support serviceAs a private Hello Work (Introduction 27-Yu-300801 approved by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare), we will provide free support until you succeed in changing jobs through introduction of job information and career consultation.* Cook Biz apps with version 1.2.0 or lower are no longer supported.Please update to the latest version if you are using it.Operating companyCookbiz Co., Ltd.内部処理を改善しました。